Body Language Secrets to Look Like a Superhero

by Darrin on June 8, 2010

body language secretsOkay, so you are down to 5% body fat and have the V-shaped torso of a Roman statue. But guess what? It doesn’t mean a damn unless you know how to carry yourself. Good posture, although it was once the norm in our culture, has gone by the wayside as people have adopted more relaxed poses. As a result, we look like a bunch of Nancy-boys compared to the men of 100 years ago. The good news is you can fix it, and with a bit of effort and some knowledge of body language secrets, you too can look like a superhero.

The Ultimate Key to Confidence

If you look at the body language of successful actors and politicians, you will notice one thing they all have in common: they are “open.” Instead of crossed arms, hunching over, and avoiding eye contact, these guys make themselves vulnerable by smiling, standing tall, and keeping their hands at their sides. They’d be an easy target for anyone trying to attack them, but their openness subtly says, “here I am, and I can handle anything.”

How to Look Like Superman

Here’s a killer hack to improving your posture and looking like one cool cucumber. Grab two pens or pencils, one in either hand. Stand the way you usually stand and relax your arms at your side. Take a look at the pencils. They should be parallel and pointed straight in front of you. Slumping causes them to point towards one another (and make you look like a pushover).

Here’s the quick fix: imagine a string connected to the center of your ribcage. Now lift your chest as though this string was pulling it up. Your shoulder blades should naturally retract and cause the pencils to point forward. This is your new standing pose! Practice it if you need to. It will feel weird at first, but it will be worth it.

Stack It Up

One of the keys to looking confident is amplifying strong body language while reducing weak body language.

Imagine your body is composed of three rigid masses: your head, your chest, and your hips, all which can move independently of one another but are relatively solid.

When you are standing, try to “stack” these masses on top of one another as much as possible. Instead of leaning and reaching, move your entire body towards whatever it is that you want. Having your body “stacked up” like this makes you look centered and powerful.

Walking the Walk

When you are walking, you don’t want this vertical stacking… you want to lean back a bit. (Check out Matthew McConaughey’s character in Dazed and Confused for a great example.) Lead with your hips, with your chest and head trailing behind just a bit.

Just Smile!

You may think you are looking all James Bond by avoiding eye contact and keeping a poker face, but in reality, you look like a grouch that no one wants to hang out with. How many politicians have you voted for that don’t have winning smiles? Do you think that’s a coincidence?

Make sure you make eye contact with the people you come across. When they look back at you, flash a quick smile. Hold the eye contact longer than them. In one fell swoop, you will look powerful and approachable at the same time!

With these body language secrets, you won’t even need tights and a cape to look like Superman. Let me know if you know any other tips to improving posture and body language.


Dave June 9, 2010 at 5:23 pm

Some very interesting tips on posture and confidence. I think there’s a subtle line between confidence and overconfidence though. You don’t want to end up like the cast of Jersey Shore, right?

David Gowing June 10, 2010 at 12:38 am

Great post, I love the wit! This is definitely true, having too many modern comforts has made modern men look kinda wimpy.

I’m always observing people and watching how they move and act, which I think is actually a unconscious survival trait, mimic those who are successful and you will be successful. In the case of our ancestors the ones who had multiple mates and provided food and shelter, and today we mimic celebrities.

Maybe if we mimic athletes instead we would all be a bit more manly. (Guess I should take of my cape and tights when I say that 🙂 )

FitXcel June 10, 2010 at 3:00 am

Another thing that can help posture is when doing back exercises, you properly set your shoulder girdle. That makes it much more instinctive to walk around that way because the muscles and bones are used to being in that position.


Darrin June 10, 2010 at 6:36 am

True, you don’t want to look like a D.B… but from looking around I can tell that most guys have the opposite problem. It’s especially problematic when a guy who obviously is taking care of himself from a diet and exercise standpoint walks around all slouched over.

A brief aside. Although I’m NOT a fan of bodybuilding, I do really dig the movie Pumping Iron. (Someone uploaded it to YouTube. Check it out!) You can see how Arnold Schwarzenegger really embodies the principles I’m saying here. In one scene, he’s giving body language advice to another bodybuilder who has really bad posture and physical presence. Great scene.

Darrin June 10, 2010 at 6:40 am

Haha. Yeah, you don’t want to take the superhero look so far that you bust out the tights!

Yup, before we had fancy clothing, jewelry, cars, and houses, I’m positive that people signaled their status through their body language. (Check out a group of animals and you can see this as well.) All the back problems we have in our society are likely the result of our poor postures as well.

Darrin June 10, 2010 at 6:43 am

Most definitely. Retracting your shoulder blades is also very important in the bench press and pull ups as well.

Raymond June 10, 2010 at 6:51 am

I sometimes think weight lifting add to bad posture but its probably bad technique
One reason i like yoga is that it helps remind my body to have better posture … and yeah I have a better shape when I do it

Darrin June 10, 2010 at 4:58 pm

I think one of the big problems is guys are more interested in PRs than perfecting their form. If you don’t have the fundamentals down, you’re going to be in trouble down the line!

Hassan July 6, 2010 at 5:36 am

loving the website Darrin, very informative, witty, you have humour in your articles too, in my opinion this is definately going to be a very good website soon ;)…but yeah i believe in being a proper man that shows power and not weakness, but at the same time, you cant be stuck up, but be friendly and positive always, that is the way forward for men these days!…on another note, tights would look good if you have the body of superman! lol

Darrin July 6, 2010 at 6:13 am

You made a very good point I hadn’t thought of. It’s important to have a balance between power and friendliness. These are like two elements of masculinity, but most guys go overboard on one or the other. Thanks for stopping by, man. Hope to see your site up and running soon!

Hassan July 12, 2010 at 9:09 am

haha your telling me, some men do go overboard..but society has made men to be more towards the badman type, and be a jerk with most people, this to me doesnt show a real man, its more like a kid stuck in a mans body, a real man is a man who loves himself before he can love others, only then will the love spread and help you to become a real man! Yeah I cant wait to get my website going, just money issues at the moment is whats holding me back from getting started, but I have alot of content ready to go up as soon as I get it going, expect a lot of posts about this kinda thing lol…keep up the good work man!

Darrin July 12, 2010 at 9:46 pm

A lot of the negative bias we have towards masculinity in our culture is really a reaction towards grown men who aren’t psychologically mature. Maturity is when you expect to give to the world and make an impact, where immaturity is where you expect to not do a thing and have everyone love you. A lot of the DBs out there are really kids who never really grew up. Real men ain’t jerks, they just have a little more swagger!

Hassan July 13, 2010 at 4:39 am

haha exactly, the world we live in now, is mainly kids in mens bodies, once people can realise this, they wil finally be able to take responsibility for themselves and their actions and change to a better person, real men are the ones who are always friendly and positive, these men are the real men who know what is up in this world, and what to do…great post btw, you know your stuff to!

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