The Death of Bicep Workouts

by Darrin on July 8, 2010

bicep workoutsThe glamour muscles get a lot of good-natured ribbing around here. That’s because most guys focus on pumping up their pecs, biceps, and abs at the expense of building total-body strength.

But all teasing aside, a strong, attractive, and healthy body includes these muscle groups as well.

The problem is most men overemphasize them, wasting time in the gym trying to hit every muscle from every angle, isolating them as much as possible and getting little to show for it, when they could be going to happy hour with friends, having dinner with their families, or watching the James Bond marathon on TV.

If we want a pair of sick pythons, we might as well grow them in the most efficient way we can… but we’re gonna need to kill off bicep workouts as we know them to do so.

Curls Are For French Fries

Eliminate any and all forms of bicep curls from your workout routine.

Barbells, dumbbells, and EZ curl bars. Sitting, standing, and incline. If you ever do an exercise that only works one muscle group, it’s a telltale sign you are probably wasting your time. (Unless you are a professional bodybuilder.)

Yes, curls focus all the force on your bicep muscles, but where’s the benefit? When are you ever going to lift something that way in your life? You are much more likely to use a cleaning movement and bringing your hips into it. Here at LMVM, I emphasize functional movements to reach your fat-losing and muscle-gaining goals with minimal time investment, and curls just don’t meet that criteria.

Well, what are you supposed to do? Surely you’re afraid that by ditching the curls you will end up looking like some freak with flabby and shriveled arms.

Have no fear. You can use the same exercise that humans have used for eons…

Enter the Pull Up

You may not think your biceps are getting much of a workout when you do pull ups, but you would be mistaken. Pull ups and related exercises are the types of movements that our arms are most well-suited to performing. And when you add compound back strengthening exercises such as this to your repertoire, you will AUTOMATICALLY be working your biceps as well!

Climbing is a fundamental movement to humans that involves many muscles, especially the forearms, back muscles, and biceps. By adding or increasing the emphasis of pull ups in your routine, you can kill many birds with one stone, building maximum muscle while freeing your time for more important things.

But if you REALLY want to build your biceps, I’ll give you a tip: close-grip chin ups (with an underhand grip) focus on these muscles more than any other pull up variant and as a result rate as one of the top bicep workouts.

Now, take your newfound knowledge and do one thing you’ve been putting off because you’ve been devoting too much time to working out. You deserve it! By doing compound pulling exercises such as pull ups, you’re still building the big guns you’ve always wanted anyways.


Alykhan July 8, 2010 at 3:52 pm


That cheesy bodybuilder pic is hilarious! Yavor did a post on mix grip pullups a while back. These are great for working the biceps as well as providing a more functional total body workout than traditional curls.


Darrin July 8, 2010 at 6:32 pm

I first saw that dude on the movie Bigger Faster Stronger, which is a MUST SEE. It’s all about the guys who obsess over strength and size at the detriment of their overall health. The guy in the picture has the worlds largest biceps (grown by steroids, of course). And yes, Yavor’s post How to Increase Biceps Strength Without Biceps Curls is awesome.

Raymond - ZenMyFitness July 9, 2010 at 3:10 am

Yeah I love the chin ups .. I like them slow, fast ( have tried 1 hand gripping the other but not for me) and they work a treat.
I’ve been told a lot that working triceps makes your arms look bigger than working the biceps so maybe this is where the pullups are the king

Dave - Fitness Training Tips July 9, 2010 at 5:02 am

Hilarious pic! Biceps have always been one of my weak points which is why I still include curls in my workout routine. That being said, I do pullups as well as I prefer a compound exercise to isolation exercise any day.

Darrin July 10, 2010 at 10:33 am

My goal is to get to the point where I can do one-armed pull ups! I’m working through progressions to get there but I’ve always been a bit weak on pull ups. (Fingers crossed.) On arms, the shoulders and triceps are the “pushing muscles” while the biceps and forearms are the “pulling muscles,” so it’s important to train using both movements.

Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone! 🙂

Darren July 13, 2010 at 1:16 pm

Great post. Chin-ups are one of my three most respected exercises (with push-ups and running).

But, as an older guy, I can’t give up pronated dumbbell curls – I need bicep peaks as a point of difference to look younger.

Darrin July 13, 2010 at 7:55 pm


Thanks for stopping by! Big fan of push ups here as well (I prefer them to bench presses), but gotta be more judicious with running. An old injury means anything much longer than a 5K is gonna put me in pain. Fortunately, HIIT sprinting once a week is wicked effective for me. Just keep in mind the ditching of biceps curls, though. You may want to experiment in the future and find them redundant after all!

Yavor July 16, 2010 at 9:44 am

I think curls do have their place. However – chinups can go a long way. For example, once chin/pullups become super easy, you can switch to mix grip, or work towards the muscle up (not as hard as it looks by the way!) and then work towards one arm chin.

@Raymond – yeah triceps + shoulders make a very nice looking arm (sorta like a basketball player).


Darrin July 17, 2010 at 6:04 pm


Pull ups are much more “scalable” than most people think. You have some great suggestions there. You can also do weighted pull ups if you are able to. I still need to work on muscle ups, but I will probably need to find a bar outside to use so I don’t bump my head on the ceiling!

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