Kitchen Cooking Utensils for Easy, Healthy Meals

May 21, 2010

We’ve already talked about why you need to learn how to cook. But where do we start? Take a look at the kitchen cooking utensils you have in your kitchen. If all you see is a can opener and a pair of scissors, then I’m afraid we need to go shopping for kitchen cooking utensils. […]

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Lose Fat, Gain Muscle: The Importance of the Squat

May 19, 2010

Ask any guy what his two biggest fitness goals are and you’re likely to hear “lose fat,” “gain muscle,” or variants thereof. Most people will translate this as “run on the treadmill a lot and do lots of machine exercises.” If you’ve been following the articles here on LMVM, you’ll know that I am NOT […]

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Easy, Healthy Meals: An Introduction

May 17, 2010

One of the biggest reasons why people are eating so unhealthy is that they “don’t know how to cook.” Instead of making easy, healthy meals from scratch, they either go out to eat or grab some prepackaged food product out of the freezer or pantry. Unfortunately, most of these items are loaded with preservatives and […]

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Shoulder Workouts: What Every Guy Ought to Know

May 13, 2010

Every man knows how attractive and feminine an hourglass shape looks on a woman’s figure. But on a guy, the body shape that women love the most is a V-shaped torso, with broad shoulders tapering down to a thin waist. Now, the internet is overflowing with information on how to slim down your midsection and […]

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You Don’t Have To Be a Bodybuilder To Attract Women

May 11, 2010

When I started lifting weights in high school, it was for one reason only: I wanted to become irresistibly attractive to the fairer sex. (Hey, at least I’m honest!) I had it in my mind that women only wanted men with huge pecs, bulging biceps, and abs you could do laundry on. With so many […]

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More “Health Foods” That May Be Making You Sick

May 7, 2010

Now that I’ve got you thinking twice about the impact of spinach, whole grains, and vegetable oils in your diet, I’m going to keep playing devil’s advocate and uncover the dark side of some more “healthy” foods. Tofu Long a favorite of the vegetarian crowd, tofu is widely praised as a great plant-based source of […]

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Warning: These “Health Foods” Are Making You Sick

May 5, 2010

When it comes to healthy eating, it’s hard to know what to choose and what to avoid. Between low-fat and low-carb, vegetarian and carnivory, it seems like we just can’t come to a consensus on which foods are truly the healthiest and which we should steer clear of. How can anyone possibly make any sense […]

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