Staying Healthy On the Road–My Interview with Nathan Agin

October 18, 2013

Do you like to travel? Or wish you could do more? Do you fall off the wagon when it comes to eating healthy on the road? Or wish you could find out more about local “must-try” foods? My friend Nathan Agin has just launched the pilot episode for his show “Travel. Eat. Thrive.” which is […]

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5 Things You Should Shamelessly Steal From Pro Chefs

October 11, 2013

Celebrity chefs are not the people you should look up to if you want to become a great home cook. They have more time, money, and energy to devote to food preparation than you ever will. I’ve made my case several times on this blog why pro chefs, generally speaking, shouldn’t be role models for […]

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How to Hack Your Grill Into a Smoker

September 25, 2013

Ugg awoke just before dawn. After a successful hunt the previous day, the tribe had far more meat than it could consume in one day. So they left several of the wild boars hanging above the dying embers of the fire and fell asleep, full and happy. But this morning Ugg was hungry. He could […]

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The Unsung Hero of Kitchen Cookware

September 19, 2013

Forget what you’ve heard elsewhere. You don’t need a mountain of cookware to have a well-stocked kitchen. If you are looking to fix up delicious and healthy preparations of any combination of: meat vegetables eggs grains beans sauces then you can get away with a much more minimalist kitchen than you may realize. In fact, […]

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The Most Important Ingredient In Your Pantry

September 13, 2013

When cooking a whole hog, you need to learn a few ancient techniques. Our ancestors lacked refrigerators, and needed to get a bit more creative to make sure a couple hundred pounds of meat remained bacteria-free until they mowed it all down. Today, there are few cuts of pork you just throw straight into a […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Take Cooking Advice From the Pros

August 31, 2013

Go to your local bookstore and you’ll find shelves overflowing with cookbooks. Beginner cookbooks! Thai cookbooks! Paleo cookbooks! The list goes on and on. It’d be tempting to say that it’s easier than ever to learn how to cook today. In addition to all the cookbooks lining the shelves of bookstores, TV stations are flooding […]

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5 Reasons Why You Need a Cast-Iron Skillet

August 16, 2013

A kitchen without a pan is like a karaoke night without “Sweet Caroline”. A quality pot is truly a kitchen workhorse, but it won’t do everything for you. You’ll want something that can hold up under higher heat for searing meats and sautéing vegetables. You’ll want something that’s shallower to make stirring easier during stovetop […]

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