How to Improve Voice Tonality In Three Simple Steps

by Darrin on June 30, 2010

I just stumbled across this interesting study last week.

These results provide, to our knowledge, the first direct evidence that both men and women can accurately assess men’s physical strength from the voice, and suggest that estimates of strength are used to assess fighting ability.

Which got me thinking…

Bodybuilding – Just Another Waste of Time

We guys sure love bodybuilding culture.

It seems to be hardwired into us that “getting in shape” means bulking up to massive proportions. We do isolated body part splits. We take lots of supplements. Arnold Schwarzenegger in his Pumping Iron days is our role model:

But why is this so? Women aren’t attracted to this look. Bodybuilders aren’t healthier nor do they live longer than everyone else.

I believe the reason guys want to “bulk up” is due to a very primal urge – to gain status.

In social animals, the “alpha male” is the dominant member of the group. This male leads his pack and the females throw themselves at him. In general, these dudes are BIG. Their precarious position at the top of the social hierarchy is only good if they are able to physically intimidate any rivals and throw down with them when necessary. So the more muscle, the better.

Although humans, with our enormous brains capable of logic and abstract thought, have evolved to theoretically divorce “status” from “physical presence,” it still exists as a subconscious drive within all of us. And since it is so easy to make the most of it, we might as well exploit this instinct.

What the Hell Does This Have to Do With Voice Tone?

Bear with me.

I believe that what bodybuilders are attempting to do – gain status via gaining size – can be accomplished without the hours upon hours that these men devote to this every day.

What if I told you that you can get all the theoretical benefits of bodybuilding – increased status, more influence, more attraction of the opposite sex – by simply improving your voice?

Think about it. I’m sure you’ve met a guy sometime in your life who was either short, skinny, or both… but you KNEW this was a guy who wasn’t a pushover. He exuded confidence and status even though he didn’t look like a bouncer. Why do you think that was?

Dr. Albert Mehrabian has found that in face-to-face interactions, 55% of the meaning communicated was via body language, 38% was via voice tonality, and only 7% was from the actual words!

What this means is that you can effectively tell the world, “I am strong, I am healthy, and I am virile,” using confident body language and voice tone alone! We should devote more time to learning how to improve voice tonality. Hours at the gym every day now look like a complete waste of time.

How to Sound Like Darth Vader

how to improve voiceOkay, Luke Skywalker’s dad isn’t the greatest role model, but he’s definitely one dude you can look at with a strong, confident, masculine voice to model. (But make sure you don’t breathe as loud as him!)

1. Slow and Low, That Is the Tempo

First off, high five to any and all who caught that Beastie Boys reference! 🙂 When it comes to high status dudes (including Darth), they all speak slowly and with a low tone of voice. Doing so gives the impression that you are completely under control of things.

But don’t go UNNATURALLY slow and low, just make sure you keep yourself from sounding like Woody Allen. (A great example of what to avoid!) If you are trying to force your voice into a low register, people are going to ask you what’s up with the Barry White impersonation.

Oh, if you’re still unconvinced, it also turns out that the ladies are more attracted to guys with deeper voices as well.

2. Play Your Voice Like a Musical Instrument

Ever heard one of those computer-generated voices? They sound flat, dull… and completely lifeless. I hate to say it, but that’s the way most guys talk.

In our effort to sound cool, calm, and collected, we tend to talk in a monotonous voice with no inflection or emphasis at all. This is exactly the kind of noise that makes people fall asleep. Hey, Ben Stein speaks slow and low, but I don’t think you wanna sound like him! (Bueller? Bueller?)

Try talking like an actor or politician for a change. Use lots of variety in tone and volume to accentuate words and phrases you are trying to get across, while going low or soft for others. Think of your voice as a musical instrument. How long would you pay attention to a saxophonist repeating the same note with the same strength? Make like John Coltrane and PLAY that baby!

3. Make Statements, Don’t Ask Questions

Have you ever? Met someone? Who always sounds? Like they are asking questions? Even when they aren’t?

Even though most guys need to improve the dynamism of their voices, this is one mistake to avoid. When your voice tone goes up at the end of a sentence, it makes you sound unsure and insecure. Instead, focus on bringing your voice tone DOWN at the end of your sentences. How many questions do you remember Darth Vader asking? Exactly.

LMVM’s Holistic Approach to Men’s Health

Although this is ostensibly a blog to help men reach their health and fitness goals of losing fat and gaining muscle, I see it more as a hub for guys that goes much deeper into the “whys,” “whats,” and “hows” of health than most other sites.

One of the biggest reasons men want to get their health in order is to gain status, whether they consciously realize this or not. Fortunately, we don’t need to become massive bodybuilders in order to achieve this goal. In fact, that is quite detrimental.

In order to communicate high status, power, and virility, you can get a much higher return on investment in improving your body language and learning how to improve voice tonality than you can spending an hour in the gym every day doing isolated body part splits and drinking massive amounts of protein shakes.


Alykhan June 30, 2010 at 7:35 pm


Interesting post. I have no problems admitting that at this point in my life, the biggest driver behind my fitness goals is wanting to look good. This is why I strive for the lean, toned look over the bodybuilder look. The awesome health benefits are a bonus! I’m sure when I get older, it will be the other way around. I will care primarily about the health benefits and a good physical appearance will be the added bonus!

To your point though, women are more attracted to personality traits such as confidence than they are to looks. So paying attention to things such as your voice tonality is just as important, if not more so!


Darrin June 30, 2010 at 10:07 pm

Since this blog is focused towards young guys I’m going to be pushing more the “how to get attractive” angle than the “how to live forever” one. But, to be honest, I think there’s a LOT of overlap there and I’m trying to figure out specifically what that is so I can present it to you guys.

While personality traits are indeed more attractive to women than physical ones, it would be foolish to ignore the primal, innate drives that worked for men before civilization. I know this post is a bit “out there” as far as applicability to health, fitness, and wellness on first glance, but when voice tone “advertises” all the things that we are subconsciously striving for with “diet and exercise,” I figure it’s as good a topic as any to tackle here!

David Gowing July 1, 2010 at 4:12 am

I have to agree with you here Darrin. Just look at David Beckham, he has the looks the physique, the athletic talent and millions of dollars, but once he open’s his mouth the image goes right out the window. Although I think most women would be willing to overlook this trait, lol. Without the fame and money he would not be considered an alpha male.

Dave July 1, 2010 at 4:40 pm

Another interesting article…sometimes I’m not sure where you come up with this stuff! I think you don’t need to look any further than Obama to know that a strong voice is influential (politics aside). In fact, I’d argue Obama say a materially similar tone to one of my favorite WWE stars of days past…The Rock. Of course, he has the entire alpha male thing going…body, looks, voice. My life isn’t so bad though!

Darrin July 1, 2010 at 7:50 pm

Yeah, I think that David Beckham has enough going for him that even if he sounded like Spongebob Squarepants he’d probably still have landed Victoria! That does remind me of a funny interview I saw with him and Ali G where he got some ribbing about his “silly voice.”

All politics aside, I think everyone can agree that Obama has a very commanding speaking voice. I’m sure it played a large role in helping others to rally behind him when he was first starting out his presidential bid. And I never realized how much he sounds like The Rock until you mentioned it! That’s hilarious. 😀

Raymond July 2, 2010 at 5:06 am

Interesting topic … I think if you can explore your deeper reasons why you do anything it will help you achieve your goals in the long run.
I have many voices for different situations .. I even have a telephone voice then if I know who it is it changes back to normal ? go figure!
I wonder what the studies make of people with an accent?

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