Kitchen Hacking 101–The Ultimate Guide to Start Cooking Healthy, Tasty Meals

by Darrin on December 30, 2011

It’s finally here, folks!

For longer than I’d care to admit, I’ve been hard at work behind the scenes crafting something that I hoped could get anyone into the kitchen to cook their first healthy meal.

I’ve said it before (and I’ll say it again), but the quality of your diet is 80% of the equation if you want to look better and feel better. And improving the quality of your diet is all but impossible if you don’t know how to cook a few meals from scratch.

With the ubiquity of cheap, tasty, fast, and unhealthy food we as a culture are literally forgetting how to cook. Where once these vital skills were handed down from generation to generation, we now need to fend for ourselves if we want to learn how to prepare healthy food.

With kitchen hacking becoming more and more of an important skill I know that most of us guys need more than just a heavy cookbook with limited illustration and an unwieldy amount of recipes to get started.

Whether you are a college student with limited kitchen access or a bachelor living on microwaveable mac and cheese, I’ve been thinking about you in every step of this process.

Why Kitchen Hacking 101?

I wrote a good post (if I do say so myself) a couple weeks back outlining the purpose and philosophy of the kitchen hacking movement, but here’s a brief refresher.

I don’t buy into the idea that there is one “magic bullet” that will solve all of everyone’s health and fitness problems.

Not counting macronutrients, not particular supplements, not a specific eating schedule, and not certain exercises and workouts.

Instead, I think that your health and fitness are the results of countless variables, and differences in body chemistry and psychology mean that we all have unique challenges and solutions.

However, if you look at the world at large, the one common theme uniting healthy, lean, and strong people is that they eat primarily minimally-processed real food.

If I had to pick one thing with the highest probability of helping you look better and feel better, it’s definitely learning how to cook most of your food from scratch.

No, it’s not going to work for everyone. But it will work for most of you.

What’s Inside Kitchen Hacking 101

Here’s a more specific breakdown of what’s inside the course.

First off is a science lesson where I debunk some common nutrition myths. Unfortunately, we all have some faulty ideas surrounding food that lead us to make poor eating choices.

It’s only after we understand what we should really be avoiding in order to get fit and what really constitutes a healthy diet that we can roll up our sleeves and get to work in the kitchen working with the correct raw materials.

Afterwards, I’ll walk you through what exactly you need to stock your kitchen with in order to get started. (Hint: you need a lot less than what you think.)

Next up, I have a tutorial on how to peel, slice, chop, and dice your food. This is perhaps the most intimidating part of this course due to the knifework, but I have extensive annotated pictures that will show you exactly what to do.


And speaking of annotated pictures… I have presented a foolproof recipe that I guarantee that any newcomer to the kitchen can complete. This is your first step in kitchen hacking mastery.

In addition, I will give you a specific action plan so that this doesn’t turn into just another one of those information products that you don’t end up doing anything with. This course is specifically designed for you to take action and start taking control of your health.

And if that ain’t enough, I have one “bonus” recipe for extra credit as well… and it goes great with the meal I walk you through as the main part of the course.

In addition to all this, you will also receive a free subscription to Lean, Mean, Virile Machine. Every Friday (okay, almost every Friday) I publish a new article here and you’ll get it delivered straight to your inbox, no need to give yourself carpal tunnel typing all the time! 🙂

Lastly, I plan to keep people on the mailing list more “in the loop” than those who aren’t with all the other cool stuff I’ve got coming up in the future.

And I’m giving away this entire thing to you for free.

All you need to do is enter your email address in the form at the bottom of the page, and you’re ready to get started!

My Promise to You

Like many of you, I have signed up for a gazillion mailing lists in return to access to an email course or ebook. While a few of them have been great, most of them have honestly been kinda bad.

They consist of slapped-together content and are truly just one big blog post reformatted as a pdf or spit into a lot of small chunks.

I didn’t want that.

I wanted to literally create the greatest email course in the history of the internet.

Humble? No. But did I succeed? Well, at the very least I think this beast is up there. I’ll let you be the judge of that.

I think this thing is incredibly valuable, especially to those of you who are looking to amp up your health and fitness and yet haven’t tackled the kitchen.

As I’ve said a million times before, learning how to cook is probably the best skill you can learn in your quest to look better and feel better.

But enough of the sales pitch. You know by now if you want in or not.

(Oh yeah. I hate spam just as much as you do and will always respect your privacy. While you’ll get site updates and first dibs on the products I have coming up in the future, I’ll never share your address with anyone. And you can always opt out at the click of a mouse.)

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for free below.

(And if you can’t see the form in your RSS reader or email, just click through to the site and fill out the form in the sidebar.)

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